OSIS Concrete Architecture

From IdCommons

Note: This is a bottom-up list of items we will need to make or to find and adapt, which we will then assemble to produce the OSIS delivery. Please keep adding to this list; add whatever you feel we need and whatever you have to contribute.

These items will be assembled according to the OSIS Abstract Architecture specification. As this wiki is currently organized, all pages on the OSIS Architecture can be found starting at High-level Architecture.

We distinguish between software components, interfaces, and libraries.

Software Components

Identity Selector User Process

  • The graphical user interface by which the user selects cards, claims etc.

Meta-data store for card meta-data

Self-asserted identity provider (logic)

  • includes security token server code
  • means of issuing SAML tokens (is a client of the web services layer).

Self-asserted identity provider (GUI)

  • user interface for the self-asserted identity provider (logic)


E.g. APIs, web services interfaces, shared file formats etc.: any mechanism by which two or more software components exchange information.


  • Web services code: WS-Security (for code encryption and signing), WS-Trust, WS-MetaDataExchange, WS-SecurityPolicy
  • Cryto code (Mike Jones to help us find the definitive list of all crypto algorithms used)