
From IdCommons

As part of the new budget process and providing a higher level of service, IC is planning on outsourcing some of its operations. The process of vetting outsourced service firms requires a list of agreed upon services to be outsourced. Since currently everything is being done with volunteer effort, the activities that are outsourced depend on the cost of the services and the amount of funding raised. So the list is in priority order.

Note that this list was informed by the neworg general services list, but is at a different level of granularity and uses IC priorities.

Draft list

Tier One

1. Accounting

  1. Maintaining a general IC ledger and subledgers for groups that have finances
  2. Cutting checks
  3. Accepting funds, sending out donation thank you's (with involvement by Stewards)
  4. Helping with budgeting mechanics (Stewards have ultimate responsibility)
  5. Financial reports
  6. Audit or review as required
  7. Government filings
  8. Payroll/1099's for contractors as appropriate

2. Technology

  1. Managing our outsourced email provider (Electronic Embers)
    1. Fen says: need to do this soon - mail still running on his old server; date please?
  2. Making updates to wiki and websites once content has been determined
  3. Upgrading internal systems (wiki and websites)

3. General Administration

  1. Chasing quarterly (or semi annual) reports

Tier Two

  1. Conference registration system

Recommendations to date

  1. http://www.concentra-cms.com/ Debbie. (Colorado)
  2. Insource which is located in Wellesley: http://www.insourceservices.com/nonprofit.html
  3. Annkissem [[1]], Mollie¹s email is <mollie.grotpeter@annkissam.com>. Workflow for non-profits