
From IdCommons

'Trust and control are interchangeable and in the absence of trust there is control.' Although, 'Trust in fact is a deficiency of control that expresses itself as a desire to progress despite the inability to control.' '.. while control is reducible to trust, trust cannot be reducible to control'. (Cofta 2007:p.28)

Recent research indicates that there is two different types of trust that need to be operational in society. There is interpersonal trust and there is institutional trust.

Morrone Tontoranelli, et al., produced an OECD Statistics Working Paper in 2009, to explore the value of trust in society, illustrating that interpersonal trust and institutional trust are different concepts that need to be made operational in different ways. The need for distinguishing them lies in the fact that they enter people’s live in different ways, and that they have different effects on various dimensions of progress.

"Trust is one of the dimensions of the framework to measure the progress of societies proposed by the OECD Global Project. In this framework, trust is considered as a key input into human well being because it indicates the willingness of individuals to co-operate with others. As underlined in this paper trust has emerged as one of the best available measures of social capital and the evidence in this paper shows that trust displays close associations with a number of other dimensions of social progress." (Morrone, Tortoraneli, et al, 2009:p.31)